Last Shot at Halloween and Horror Interviews!

Today I was walking looking for someone to interview, after a while I heard this girl talking about her plans for halloween on the phone. I waited for her conversation to be done and asked if she liked horror films. As a matter of fact she did, so she turned out to be perfect to interview about halloween and horror films! Sadly this is my last halloween themed post though, check by next week for a new topic!

The Phenomenon That is New York Comic Con

This weekend I went to NYCC for the first time in my life. It was very fun and very odd, masses and masses of nerdlings all dressed up as their favorite characters. This made me want to do an interview with someone from purchase who went before, luckily after searching for quite some time I have found one such person. 

Me: Tell be about yourself

Vincent: My name is Vincent Caracciolo, I’m a junior here at purchase college, and I’m trying to get into the VA next semester for drawing and painting so hopefully that goes well, otherwise my life is pretty desolate

Me: so YOU attended New York comic con? Right?

Vincent: yes

Me: good because that’s the premise of this interview, you attended it when?

Vincent: Last year.

Me: from what days

Vincent: i went….firday and saturday. 

Me: Cool, did you have a costume or did you just walk around 

Vincent: I just walked around, but at comic con I bought this um kimono jacket thing and i had my totoro backpack so I was repping something 

Me: what is the experience that is comic con? Like what was your “I’m at comic con! moment”

Vincent: The population and the population of the specific culture. not even culture…just a lot of things that people share in common in a more nerdy ascetic AND its more relate-able  because  were all excited about each other’s cosplays and everyones excited about the panels and people and games that are there. 


Halloween Spooky Town Interview

Hey there, today I interviewed the clerk at my schools 7-11 type shop the more store about Halloween.

Me: Okay cool hi there, what’s your name?


Me: What’s your major?

Dana: My major is liberal studies with a minor in studio production.

Me:Okay cool, what year are you?

Dana:  senior

Me: Okay first off, what are some of the things that come to mind when you think about Halloween?

Dana:um, defiantly candy haha, and I feel like I love halloween personally I feel like it’s a really relaxing time of year. And I love, something about even watching little kids dress up I’m really like mushy when it comes to halloween.

Me: What were some of your childhood traditions when you were little?

Dana: Um, not very specific. I had a really great group of friends and we would go out around my town trick or treating, there were a couple of apartment complexes so that was kind of the thing to do they had all the good candy

Me: Yeah when I was really little i lived in the city and going door to door at all the apartments was really great

Dana: Yeah

Me:Do you know what you’re being this year?

Dana: I do not

Me: Any thoughts?

Dana: Well I have two apartment mates and we kinda wanted to be something together, we thought about being the hocus pocus witches

Me: Oh my god! you have to do that! thats awesome!

Dana: Right? So… we’ll see but it’s defiantly gonna be a group thing

Me: What were some of your favorite Halloween movies?

Dana: I do really love hocus pocus…ummm…huh. I really don’t have a specific one, I usually do ABC’s 13 days of halloween

Me: Let’s see, what was one of your favorite costumes that you did?

Dana: Oh, um. Well my mom used to home make really awesome costumes and one year…i mean i don’t remember  it i was one year old but she made me into a daisy and made this headpiece. she made make shift petals around my face it was really cute and i was very sick that year so i was very pouty

Me: What was one of your favorite costumes that you’ve seen

Dana:……………….nothing really stands out.

Me: Final question, If you could change anything about halloween what would it be?

Dana: I feel like every year less and less kids go trick or treating and it’s really sad. I feel like it’s a trickle down from parents not wanting their kids to go door to door. I’d like to see more people celebrate it, its becoming a holiday that people don’t care much about and i wanna change that

Me: Great, thank you so much Dana!


Interview 3: Animal Crossing


Hello, today I interviewed a lovely woman named Ariana, because I noticed she was playing the game Animal Crossing: New Leaf on her Nintendo 3DS. I love this game so I thought I would interview her on exactly what makes animal crossing so fun. The concept of the game is that you are the mayor of a town inhabited by adorable animals, you make friends with them, play games and trade furniture to customize your house. Not only that you make money by catching fish and bugs, collecting fruit and jems and selling it to a married couple of alpacas.

Me: So, tell me about yourself

Ariana: My name is Ariana Quadra I’m a junior history major and my home town is glenn cove NY.

Me: ok awesome, I’m here to talk to you about the game animal crossing. My first question is what about animal crossing is fun for you?

Ariana: I think there’s something rewarding about having control over a little town of animals and being able to engage in that fantasy lifestyle which is of course based on accumulating a sort of material success but at the same time there’s the interactions you have between the characters  and the little relationships you build with them and a sense of almost loyalty you develop over time. Its really silly but they’re really quite cute and they have their own personalities which is really engaging and um, yeah.

me:Do you think that it might be so much fun because it has similarities to real life like paying rent and going shopping and decorating your house but it’s way more cutesie and less stressful and you have more control over it thank real life?

Ariana: yeah i think for the most part we all kind of feel out of control of our own lives but in animal crossing were top dog so to speak. so when you achieve these minor successes that are so easily completed in the game and so you know, it’s sort of daunting in real life it creates this very satisfying feeling.

me: what makes a perfect neighbor in your town?

ariana: i think humor is the key uh, and the more unique they are as well in terms of having their own developed interest or having their own attitudes that are distinct. they’re very easy to interact with and they’ re individual. what constitutes the best kind of neighbor is their willingness to share and trade items with you but also valuing their opinon from everything from their clothing to the items in their house, and also the respect they give to their mayor